BUS 275 Assignments
Business Design
Probably my proudest moment was the one that I alluded to in the narrative for this section: when my Business 275 (Intro to Business Communication) professor told me that our final project design was the best that he’d seen from a student in all of his years of teaching. I’m pretty sure that I bragged about that to everyone that I knew, and did everything that I could to not annoy my teammates when we received a 100% for the assignment almost entirely because of the handout that I made.
It was the culmination of an entire semester where I had taken a class intended simply for learning how to communicate in a business setting, and turned it into a competition with myself (and one other girl in the class who had started college in the Arts school) on how well I could design the various documents that we were assigned for the class. It turns out that I could design some pretty killer paper documents, and it gave me a lot of confidence going forward in my ability to be creative and think outside the box a bit.
Solar Roadways
My final assignment was my proudest. Essentially, we had to give a product pitch, and design a two-sided handout to accompany it. For whatever reason, I decided to think outside the box a bit and design something other than an 8.5x11 page. It turned out brilliantly, and is probably the coolest non-website thing that I’ve ever made.
Clear Handout
My first assignment was to create a simple, concise, one-page handout for a Picha Kucha presentation on a topic of my choosing.
Research Report
For the second assignment, we had to research complaints against a company, and develop potential solutions to present to the company as if we were a consulting company.
Sorry in advance for all of the images.